Thursday, July 10, 2014

All American Emma

Oh Emma.
I photographed Emma and her hubs last fall, so when she came to me this spring and told me she wanted to do a shoot that made her feel good about herself I was stumped.  I couldn't figure out how to make someone this gorgeous inside and out feel even more beautiful!  I was sitting at the kitchen counter editing away one day while listening to Lana Del Rey and it hit me!  We had to do an american flag shoot.  The day before I had driven through the Sierra Valley in California and I was so overwhelmed by the beauty of the green fields and rolling hills.  I've been around this area my whole life but at that moment I saw it differently and knew it would be perfect for Emma's shoot.  We met at Emma's house and drove out to the valley and the whole time we talked about how freezing cold it was and then it started to snow!  Needless to stay it took me a good hour just to edit the goosebumps off her skin.  Aside from the cold temperature Emma did amazing!  Her shoot was truly inspiring.  She looked so free while I was shooting her and I'm so happy I was able to deliver the kind of shoot she was looking for.  Emma you truly have a special place in my heart and I just adore your friendship.  Here's Emma's full session don't be afraid to share this post, pin it, or comment!  Enjoy!


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